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State, National & International Presentations

Beane, A.L. Practical Strategies for Preventing and Stopping Bullying (Featured Speaker).  3rd Annual Bullying Prevention and Education Conference, Boylston, Cyprian Keyes, Mass., February 25, 2015.


Beane, A.L. Developing Anti-bullying Intervention Plans for Bullied Students and Students Who Bully.  3rd Annual Bullying Prevention and Education Conference, Boylston, Cyprian Keyes, Mass., February 25, 2015.


Beane, A.L. Be an Instrument of Hope (Featured Speaker). 4th Annual Bridging Voices in Our Community (BVC), Bullying Prevention Conference. Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Illinois, October 17, 2014.


Beane, A.L. Bullying Prevention and Intervention Strategies that Instill Hope (Featured Speaker).  4th Annual Bridging Voices in Our Community (BVC), Bullying Prevention Conference. Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Illinois, October 17, 2014.


Beane,A.L. Stop Picking on Me:  Bully Free® Classrooms Targeting School Age Children, West Kentucky Association for Early Childhood Education Spring Institute, Paducah, KY, April 20, 2013.


Beane,A.L. Stop Picking on Me:  Bully Free® Preschool Classrooms, West Kentucky Association for Early Childhood Education Spring Institute, Paducah, KY, April 20, 2013.


Beane,A.L.  Bullying:  Stop the Pain and Violence (Keynote).  Council for Exceptional Children State Special Needs Summit, Bowling Green, KY, October 26, 2012.


Beane,A.L. Student Misbehavior Management: How to Respond When Bullying is Seen or Heard.  38th Annual National Association for Pupil Transportation Conference, Memphis, TN, October 22-23, 2012.


Beane,A.L.  Bullying in the Office Environment.  International Association of Administrative Professionals, Paducah, KY, October 16, 2012.


Beane,A.L.  Bullying--It's Just Kids Being Kids, or is it?  What is it?  What is my responsibility?  Twentieth Annual Pupil Transportation Conference, Louisville, KY, June 25, 2012.


Beane,A.L. Bullying.  Canadian National Pupil Transportation Conference, Alberta, CANADA, April 18-20, 2012


Beane,A.L.  Why Some Victims of Bullying are Self-Harming, Retaliating and/or Committing Suicide.  7th Annual Teen Suicide Prevention Symposium, Waco, TX, February 2, 2012.


Beane,A.L. Assembly Program:  Helping Your School Be Bully Free®.   National Super Conference on Breaking the Silence on Bullying, Jackson, MS, November 17-18, 2011.


Beane,A.L. How to Respond to Bullying When You See It.  National Super Conference on Breaking the Silence on Bullying, Jackson, MS, November 17-18, 2011.


Beane,A.L. Are Your Buses Bully Free®?  Implementing a Bully Free® Bus Program.  National Super Conference on Breaking the Silence on Bullying, Jackson, MS, November 17-18, 2011.


Beane,A.L. Is Your School District Bully Free®?  How to Implement the Bully Free® Program in Your District. National Super Conference on Breaking the Silence on Bullying, Jackson, MS, November 17-18, 2011.


Beane,A.L. Bus Drivers: Stop the Pain and Violence of Bullying.  Student Transportation Association of Indiana Conference, Ft. Wayne, Indiana, April 28, 2011.


Beane,A.L. Scout Leaders: Stop the Pain and Violence of Bullying (Keynote).  Girl Scouts Louisiana East Conference of Courage, Confidence, and Character, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 26, 2011.


Beane,A.L.  How to Conduct On-the-Spot Responding to Bullying on Buses.  Oregon Pupil Transportation Association, Albany, Oregon, February 26, 2011.


Beane,A.L. The Role of Bus Drivers in Stopping the Pain and Violence of Bullying (Keynote). Oregon Pupil Transportation Association, Albany, Oregon, February 26, 2011.


Beane,A.L. Bullying:  Stopping the Pain and Violence.  Family Life Symposium, Bartlesville, Oklahoma, February 18, 2011.


Beane,A.L. Protect Your Child from Bullying (Keynote).  Family Life Symposium, Bartlesville, Oklahoma, February 17, 2011.


Beane,A.L. On-the-Spot Responding and Intervention Plan.  Association of Student Assistance Professional's Conference.  The Tropicanca Casino/Resort, Atlantic City, New Jersey, February 3 - 4, 2011.


Beane,A.L. Administrative Strategies for Preventing and Stopping Bullying.  Association of Student Assistance Professional's Conference.  The Tropicanca Casino/Resort, Atlantic City, New Jersey, February 3 - 4, 2011.


Beane,A.L. Training to Conduct the Bully Free® School Assembly Program.  Association of Student Assistance Professional's Conference.  The Tropicanca Casino/Resort, Atlantic City, New Jersey, February 3 - 4, 2011.


Beane,A.L. The Bully Free® Program Oklahoma Pilot Project.  State Superintendent's Conference for Special Education Directors and Teachers 2010, Dec. 2-3, 2010.


Beane, A.L.  Bullying:  Stop the Pain and Violence (Keynote).  Comanche Public Schools, Comanche, Oklahoma, August 9, 2010.


Beane, A.L.  The Bully Free® Bus Program (Keynote).  Hamilton Southeastern Schools, Fishers, IN, August 7, 2010.


Beane, A.L.  Creating Bully Free® Preschools (Featured Speaker).  Regional Training Center Early Childhood Education Regional Conference, Lake Barkley State Resort Park Convention Center, Cadiz, Kentucky, July 21, 2010.


Beane, A.L. Researach Findings Regarding How Girls Accommodate Bullying (Keynote).  4th Annual Girl Bullying and Other Forms of Relational Aggression Conference.  Youth Light, Inc., San Antonio, TX, June 25, 2010.


Beane, A.L. A Comparison of Bullying Experiences and Observations of Girls versus Boys:  Is There a Difference? 4th Annual Girl Bullying and Other Forms of Relational Aggression Conference.  Youth Light, Inc., San Antonio, TX, June 25, 2010.


Beane, A.L.  What Parents and Schools Should Do to Make Schools Bully Free® (Keynote).  Oklahoma Parents Center and Oklahoma State Department of Education, Department of Special Education Services, Embassy Suites, Norman, Oklahoma, May 4-5, 2010.


Beane, A.L. The Bully Free® Program: Preventing and Stopping Bullying (Keynote).  Garland Independent School District, Garland, TX, April 13, 2010.


Beane, A.L.  The Bully Free® Program (Featured Speaker).  Oklahoma State Department of Education Special Education Conference, Tulsa, OK, December 1-2, 2009.


Beane, A.L. Bullying:  Stop the Pain and Violence (Keynote).  Ben Marion Institute, Atlanta, GA, November 13, 2009.


Beane,A.L.  Bullying on School Buses:  How to Prevent It and Respond to It.  2009 National Association for Pupil Transportation Summit.  Louisville, KY, November 3-4, 2009.


Beane,A.L.  Why Victims of Bullying Self-Harm, Suicide and/or Retaliate (Keynote).  Preventing Tragedy - Healing Lives Conference on Youth Suicide.  Eastlake, OH, October 23, 2009.


Beane, A.L. Bully Free® Assembly Program Training (Featured Speaker).  2008 Victory Over Violence Conference.  Division of Family Resource Youth Service Centers, Lexington, KY, July 8-10, 2008.


Beane, A.L. Creating a Bully-Free Preschool Classroom.  22nd Annual Kentucky Early Childhood Summer Institute.  Kentucky Early Childhood Conference, Lexington, KY, June 10, 2008.


Beane, A.L.  Bullying:  Stop the Pain and Violence (Featured Speaker).  15th Annual Children's Behavioral Health Conference.  Oklahoma Institute for Mental Health and Substance Abuse Education and Training, Tulsa, OK, April 30-May 2, 2008.


Beane, A.L.  Bullying:  Stop the Pain and Violence (Keynote).  Oklahoma State Department of Education, Special Education Conference, Oklahoma City, October 24, 2008.


Beane, A.L.  Bullying in the Preschool and Primary Years.  42nd Annual Exceptional Children's Conference (State-wide Conference), Kentucky Council for Exceptional Children, Louisville, KY, November 18-20, 2007.

Beane, A.L. How to Create Bully Free® Classrooms and Schools.  9th Annual State Superintendent's Safe and Healthy Schools Conference (State-wide Conference), Oklahoma City, OK, October 29-30, 2007.

Beane, A.L. The Bully Free® Program.  19th Annual National Dropout Prevention Network Conference (National Conference), Louisville, KY, October 27-31, 2007.

Beane, A.L. Practical Strategies for Preventing and Stopping Bullying. 9th Annual Tennessee Conference Celebrating Healthy Choices for Youth, National Center for Youth Issues, Franklin, TN, September 16-18, 2007.

Beane, A.L. Victory for Victims of Violence (Keynote Address). Victory Over Violence: A Vision for a Safer Kentucky (State-wide Conference). Family Resource and Youth Service Centers, Lexington, KY, July 11-13, 2007.

Beane, A.L. Creating Bully Free® Classrooms and Schools (Featured Speaker). 8th Annual Southeast Regional Character Education Conference, Hamilton County Department of Education, Chattanooga, TN, June 25-27, 2007.

Beane, A.L. Creating Bully Free® Classrooms and Schools (Featured Speaker). 5th Annual Southwest Healthy Choices for Youth Conference, National Centers for Youth Issues, Dallas, TX, June 18-20, 2007.

Beane, A.L. Creating Bully Free® Classrooms and Schools (Keynote). 3rd Annual Midwest Healthy Choices for Youth Conference, National Centers for Youth Issues, Indianapolis, IN, June 11-13, 2007.

Beane, A.L. Bullying: It's Nature and Effective Practical Strategies for Preventing and Stopping It (Keynote Address), Shelby County Schools Healthy Choices for Youth Summit, Alabaster, AL, May 4, 2007.

Beane, A.L. Bullying:  Stopping the Pain and Violence (Keynote Address), Eastern Kentucky University's 6th Annual Diversity Conference, Richmond, KY, February 7-8, 2007.

Beane, A.L. Practical and Proven Strategies for Preventing and Stopping Bullying, Kentucky Middle School Association Fall Conference (State-wide Conference), Kentucky Middle School Association, Lexington, KY, September 24-26, 2006.

Beane, A.L. Bullying: It's Nature and Effective Practical Strategies for Preventing and Stopping It. 8th Annual Tennessee Conference Celebrating Healthy Choices for Youth, National Center for Youth Issues, Franklin, TN, September 17-19, 2006.

Beane, A.L. Bullying: It's Nature and Effective Practical Strategies for Preventing and Stopping It. Healthy Choices for Youth 2006 Chattanooga Summit, National Center for Youth Issues, Chattanooga, TN, August 4, 2006.

Beane, A.L.  Bully Free® Schools.   Kentucky High Performing School District Alliance Conference,  Louisville, KY, July 21, 2005.

Beane, A.L. Safe and Bully Free® Schools. Coordinated School Health Conference, Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky and Kentucky Department of Education, Bowling Green, KY, July 17-18, 2006.


Beane, A.L. Bullying: It's Nature and Effective Practical Strategies for Preventing and Stopping It. 7th Annual Southeast Regional Character Education Conference, National Center for Youth Issues, Chattanooga, TN, June 26-28, 2006.

Beane, A.L. Bullying: It's Nature and Effective Practical Strategies for Preventing and Stopping It. Fourth Annual Southwest Regional Character Education Conference, National Center for Youth Issues, Dallas, TX, June 19-21, 2006.

Beane, A.L. Creating Bully Free® Classrooms and Schools. Florida's Annual Bullying Prevention Conference (State-wide Conference), Orlando, FL, April 27-28, 2006.

Beane, A.L. Violence Prevention and Bullying (Keynote Address). Oklahoma Governor's 7th Annual Safe School Summit (State-wide Conference), Public Strategies, Inc., Oklahoma City, OK, November 15, 2005.

Beane, A.L. Why are Some Victims of Bullying Retaliating? National Middle School Association 32nd Annual Conference and Exhibit, Philadelphia, PA, November 3-5, 2005.

Beane, A.L. Strategies and Resources for Creating Bully Free® Classrooms (Keynote Address). Educating Kentucky's Students At-Risk in Alternative Settings, Richmond, KY, July 19, 2005.


Beane, A.L. Creating Bully Free® Classrooms. Behavior Institute 2005, Lexington, KY, June 27-29, 2005.

Beane, A. L. Creating Bully Free® Schools. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) 2005 International Conference, Orlando, FL, April 3, 2005.

Beane, A.L. Bullying and Violence Prevention (Keynote Address). Kentucky Coalition for School Age Childcare (KYCSACC), Louisville, KY, March 5, 2005.

Beane, A.L. Practical Bully Free® Activities and Strategies for After-School Programs. Kentucky Coalition for School Age Childcare (KYSCACC), Louisville, KY, March 5, 2005.

Beane, A.L. The Impact of Bullying on Children (Keynote Address). School Based Law Enforcement and Security Officers Conference (State-wide Conference). Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Criminal Justice Services, Richmond, VA, August 12, 2004.

Beane, A.L. Help Schools Be Bully Free® (Workshop). School Based Law Enforcement and Security Officers Conference (State-wide Conference). Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Criminal Justice Services, Richmond, VA, August 12, 2004.

Beane, A.L. Bullying Prevention (Keynote Panel Discussion). 2004 Safe Schools Conference, Hershey, PA, March 28-30, 2004.

Beane, A.L. Steps to Establishing System-wide or School-wide Bully Free® Programs (Three Hour Institute). 2004 Safe Schools Conference, Hershey, PA, March 28-30, 2004.

Beane, A.L. Bullyproofing the Classroom. Nonverbal Learning Disorders Association Eighth Annual Professional Symposium, San Francisco, CA, March 5-6, 2004

Beane, A.L. Bullying in the Preschool Classroom. 2003 Early Childhood Institute, Louisville, KY, June 23-25, 2003.

Beane, A.L. Bullying: The Path from Hurt to Retaliation (Keynote Address). 2003 Safe Schools Conference, Hershey, Pennsylvania, March 31-April 2, 2003.

Beane, A.L. Preventing and Stopping Bullying Through the Curriculum. 2003 Safe Schools Conference, Hershey, PA, March 31-April 2, 2003.

Beane, A.L. The Bully Free® Classroom (Keynote Address). Title I Regional Conference, Owensboro, KY, October 22-23, 2001.

Beane, A.L. The Bully Free® Classroom (Featured Session at the Conference). A Child Development Institute, Owensboro, KY, July 23-24, 2001.

Beane, A.L. Bullying Behavior: A Major Issue for America’s Schools. Kentucky Alternative Schools and Programs Conference, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY, June 11-12, 2001.

Beane, A.L., & Rose, J. School Safety Initiatives: Opportunities for University Faculty. 2000 Annual Conference of the Southeastern Regional Association of Teacher Educators, Lexington, KY, November 2-4, 2000.

Beane, A.L., Byassee, J., Apperson, E., Doyle, C., & Roth, J. Effective Anti-Bullying Programs and Resources. Sixth Annual Safe Schools Conference, Louisville, KY, September 25-26, 2000.

Beane, A.L., & Hindman, A. The Role of the Faith Community in School Violence. Sixth Annual Safe Schools Conference, Louisville, KY, September 25-26, 2000.

Beane, A.L. The Bully Free® Classroom. Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice Conference, April 14, 2000.

Beane, A.L. Peer Victimization. First Annual Alternative Schools and Programs Conference, Bowling Green, KY, March 9, 2000.

Beane, A.L. The Bully Free® Classroom. 1999 Kentucky Association for Early Childhood Education, Paducah, KY, October 14-16, 1999.

Beane, A.L. The Bully Free® Classroom. Kentucky Partnership for Families and Children’s Conference, Lexington, KY, September 22, 1999.

Beane, A.L. The Bully Free® Classroom. The Center for School Safety, Murray State University, Murray, KY September 21, 1999.

Beane, A.L. The Bully Free® Classroom. Fifth Annual Safe Schools Conference, Kentucky Center for School Safety, Louisville, KY, September, 1999.

Beane, A.L. The Bully Free® Classroom. 30th National Christian Educators Association International Convention. Theme - Teachers Light the Way, Colorado Springs, CO, July 29-August 1, 1999.

Beane, A.L. The Bully Free® Classroom. 1999 WKECDC Person-Centered Institute, July 12-16, 1999.

Beane, A.L. Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, But Words Hurt Me Forever. The 13th Annual Summer Conference of the Kentucky Early Childhood Regional Training Centers, Louisville, KY, June 21-23, 1999.

Beane, A.L., Miller, T., & Jacobs, M. Bullies on University Campuses. American Education Research Association, Montreal, Canada, April 19-23, 1999.

Beane, A.L. Promoting the Acceptance of Gifted and Talented Students. 26th Annual Conference on Gifted Education - North Carolina Association for the Gifted and Talented. Winston-Salem, NC, March 11-13, 1999.

Beane, A.L. Bullies in the Classroom. Sixth Regional Spring Conference of the Association for Childhood Education International, Murray State University, Murray, KY, March 6, 1999.

Beane, A.L. The Bully Free® Classroom. 34th Annual Conference - Programs for Exceptional Children, Louisville, KY, November 23-25, 1998.

Beane, A., Jacobs, M. & Miller, T. Promoting Acceptance to Prevent Discipline Problems. America Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA, April 13-17, 1998.


Miller, T. & Beane, A. L. Peer Victimization: Clinical Issues in the Holistic Treatment of the Child. 1997 Kentucky Psychological Association Annual Convention. The Seelbach Hotel, Louisville, KY, November 6-8, 1997.

Beane, A.L. Promoting the Social Acceptance of Children with Disabilities. 42nd Annual Convention of the Kentucky Council for Exceptional Children, Executive Inn Rivermont, Owensboro, KY, February 28-March 1, 1997.

Beane, A.L. Peer Abuse and Rejection - Prevention and Intervention Strategies. 1996 Kentucky Association for Psychology in the Schools Conference: The School Psychologist as a Prevention/Intervention Facilitator, Owensboro, KY, September 18-20, 1996.

Beane, A.L. An Anti-Bullying Program: Over 200 Practical Prevention and Intervention Strategies. EBD/Behavior Institute: Teaching and Reaching At-Risk/EBD Students. Kentucky Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders and Kentucky Department of Education, Lexington, KY, July 8-10, 1996.

Beane, A.L., & Beane, C.C. Children Can Be Cruel: Helping Children Who Are Abused, Teased, and Rejected by Their Peers. Kentucky Council for Exceptional Children 41st Annual Convention. Lexington, KY, February 23-24, 1996.

Beane, A.L. Futuristic Technologies (Keynote Speaker). Futuristic Approaches Conference: State of Louisiana Department of Special Education, Baton Rouge, LA, August 8-10, 1990.