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BULLYING PREVENTION LESSON PLANS (PDF files) $300 per school (Specify grade levels ____________)
Price: $300.00

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To make the lesson plans more cost effective for large schools and districts, Bully Free Systems, LLC made all of the 660 lesson plans available as pdf files for preschool - high school. There are 30 or more lessons at each grade level that are to be taught once a week by all teachers. There is only a one time cost, no annual renewal or subscription fee. Once the lesson plans are purchased, the grade appropriate usernames and passwords will be issued to the school or district. This is a tremendous savings. Also, as new lesson plans are developed and/or as the lesson plans are improved, the schools and districts will have instant access to the updates.

It took over three years to develop the lesson plans. Practicing teachers and counselors were involved in the development of the plans and they were field tested in 23 schools. The lesson plans will give each school and district a consistent anti-bullying curriculum with a comprehensive scope and sequence.