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BULLYING PREVENTION LESSON PLANS--Middle School--Available in Middle School Kit only. May be printed for all personnel in the purchasing school.
Price: $


Middle school teachers and counselors will find the Bullying Prevention Lesson Plans for Middle Schools to be a powerful pro-active instructional anti-bullying resource with an excellent scope and sequence of 121 lessons--30 plus lessons at every grade level. Each teacher should teach at least one lesson each week. All of the lessons are interactive 30 to 40 minute lessons and purposefully have a heavy focus on anti-bullying content. Almost every lesson has three or more of the following components: Learner Outcome(s); Preparation and Materials; Activities; Journaling; and Go Further. The associated handouts and worksheets appear at the end of each lesson. The design of the lessons is based on effective teaching and learning principles. They are so powerful, they change lives, and maximize efforts to change the climate of the schools, as well as help create a “telling environment.” One unique feature of the lesson plans is the “Parent Chat” (English and Spanish) included in many of the lessons that are sent home with the students. Parents/Guardians use this material to review with their child what he/she was taught that day at school. These are designed to reinforce learning but also to educate parents/guardians and perhaps influence the home environment. After discussing the content of the Parent Chat, a parent/guardian and the child sign it and it is returned to the teacher the next day, unless otherwise specified.

These thought provoking lessons were developed by middle school teachers and counselors working with Dr. Beane and Linda Beane over a three-year period. The Bullying Prevention Lesson Plans were field-tested in 23 schools, including public schools, private schools, and charter schools. They were designed to create supportive, caring, peaceful, and safe classrooms and schools. They promote the Golden Rule, develop empathy, help students understand the nature and destructiveness of bullying, help students who are bullied cope with their feelings and with the bullying, as well as encourage those who bully to stop mistreating others. Cyberbullying is addressed at every grade level. Many of the lessons are designed to empower bystanders and to teach them to play a major role in preventing and stopping bullying. They are not only taught to stand up for others, but are taught how to do so. Many of them also include review, reflection and self-analysis.

To make the lesson plans more cost effective for schools and districts, Bully Free Systems, LLC has made all of the lesson plans available as pdf files. When they are purchased, usernames and passwords for accessing and printing the lesson plan books are provided in the kit. There is a one time cost, no annual renewal or subscription fee. Also, as new lesson plans are developed and/or as the lesson plans are improved, the schools and districts will have instant access to the updates at no additional cost.

The lesson plans will give each school and district a consistent middle school anti-bullying curriculum with a comprehensive scope and sequence.