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ESTABLISHING A PEERS FOR PEACE -- BULLYING PREVENTION CLUB (For Club Advisors) by Allan L. Beane, Ph.D.--67 pages
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It is widely recognized that student involvement is a critical component to any anti-bullying program, including the Allan L. Beane Bullying Prevention Program. Being involved in a Peers for Peace - Bullying Prevention Club enriches the lives of students not only by providing an important non-academic outlet, but also by providing activities that give students new knowledge and skills, and empower them to take a stand against bullying.

This book is designed to assist the club adviser in developing and managing a Peers for Peace - Bullying Prevention Club. It presents an overview of the process for establishing and managing a successful club. It includes a listing of club officers and their responsibilities, membership requirements, ideas for recruiting members, planning and managing meetings, order of meetings, guidelines for effective group work, creative club activities for preventing and stopping bullying, club constitution, bylaws and much more.

67 pp., 8 ˝” x 11”, club advisers.