Components of the Bullying Prevention Program
Bullying Prevention Program Team (coordinating committee), Program Coordinator and Implementation Guide
Professional development (Agenda and Content Resources) for school personnel and volunteers - Awareness and Skill Development
Reference Guide/Book for All Teachers, Counselors and Administrators - as pdf file
Reference Guide/Book for Support Personnel (secretaries, cafeteria and Mmaintenance personnel) - as pdf file
Pre- and Post-program Assessment (Program Evaluation Plan and Evaluation Coordinator) - Bullying Prevention Surveys (for students, faculty and parents) - Focus Meetings with school personnel, parents and student, Pre- and Post-examination of existing data
Program’s mission statement, goals, slogan, and logo
Administrative Strategies Plan for preventing bullying
Response (Eight-Step Process for On-the-Spot Responding) and Investigation Plans, including the Investigation of Rumors
Campaign against bullying (activities harnessing the energy of students)
Bullying Prevention School Assembly Program
Brochures (as pdf files) for students, parents and school personnel
Student Involvement and Empowerment Plan (a bank of strategies and activities)
Parent Education and Involvement Plan (a bank of strategies and activities
Community Involvement Plan (a bank of strategies and activities)
Bank of administrative strategies for creating a caring , safe and peaceful school and for changing the school’s culture/climate
Pledge for students, school personnel, parents, and community representatives
Books for all parents and students placed on school’s server (as pdf files)
Supervision Plan and Training in Quality Supervision
Strategies for providing quality supervision and for increasing supervision
Strategies for adding structure to unstructured times
Strategies for information sharing and exchange
Supportive Supervision Strategies (technology, adding structure, etc.)
Bulletin Boards, Posters, and Banners for high-risk areas, other non-classroom areas, and classrooms
Strategies for connecting students to the school (creating a sense of acceptance and belonging in all students)
Celebration of program’s success
Parent and Community
Bank of strategies for developing a parent and community involvement plan
Awareness presentation for parents and community representatives
Committee representation
Pledge for parents and community representatives
Focus Meetings
Bullying Prevention Survey
Parent Education through "Parent Chats" (English & Spanish) sent home (parent review with child and sign - returned to school)
Individual-Level, Response-Level and Intervention
On-the-Spot Responding (responding when it is seen and/or heard)
Safety Plans for targets of bullying
Procedures for investigating rumors and unverified reports
Discipline Rubrics with progressive consequences
Behavioral Expectaions for all high-risk areas
Pro-social and non-punitive strategies
Intervention Questionnaire and Plan to help students who are bullied
Intervention Questionnaire and Plan to help students who bully others
Classroom, Counselor, and Library
A comprehensive scope and sequence (preschool-high school) of Bullying Prevention Lesson Plans and classroom meetings
Support materials and resources
Instructional materials for the teacher
Posters for the classroom
Brochures (for school personnel, students, and parents)
Instructional materials for students
Bulletin Boards, Banners, and Posters
Card Games
Posted and enforced bullying prevention classroom rules and behavioral expectations