Over 300 Bullying Prevention Lesson Plans

Bullying Prevention Lesson Plans Now Available!
Preschool - High School

Counselors and teachers will find these stand-alone highly interactive Bullying Prevention Lesson Plans a powerful instructional anti-bullying resource with an excellent comprehensive scope and sequence . No matter what you are currently doing to prevent and stop bullying, these practical lessons will maximize your efforts with little or no preparation.

  • Developed over a two year period by teachers and counselors working
    with Allan Beane, Ph.D., author of the Allan L. Beane Bullying Prevention Program
  • Tested in 23 schools
  • 31 preschool and 27 kindergarten lesson plans
  • 30 or more core/essential lesson plans at each grade level (1-12), including cyber bullying and several supplemental lessons
  • Heavy focus on anti-bullying content
  • Include Learner Outcome(s); Preparation and Materials; Activities;
  • Journaling; Lesson Extension, and Handouts
  • Emphasize importance of and characteristics of healthy relationships
  • Include Parent Chats (English and Spanish) for educating and involving parents
  • Include age-appropriate songs, short stories and poems
  • Promote the Golden Rule, develop empathy, help students understand the nature and destructiveness of bullying
  • Help students who are bullied cope with their feelings and with bullying, as well as encourage those who bully to stop mistreating others
  • Empower bystanders and teach them to play a major role in preventing and stopping bullying
  • And MUCH MORE!

Visit www.bullyfree.com and click on “Products” to see descriptions of the lesson plans for each grade level.  These are availableas printed books and as pdf files for school-wide and/or district-wide use. You can also click on “View Samples" and see a few examples.