Presentation: The Definition and Nature of Bullying
Length: 2 hours
Description: This extremely informative, powerful, motivational, and media-enriched presentation discusses the definition of bullying, the criteria for determining if a child is in a bullying situation. Also discussed are the different forms of bullying, and what research tells us about its prevalence, how boys and girls differ in bullying, warning signs that a child is bullied, warning signs that a child is a bully, why some students will not report bullying, and much more. Drivers will leave this presentation more informed about bullying. Dr. Beane also shares his son’s powerful and moving story.
Session 1 Training Goals: What Bullying is and Examples of Bullying
Session 2 Training Goals: What Some Research Tells Us About Bullying
Presentation: Why Bullying Must Be Prevented and Stopped
Length: 1 hour and 15 mins.
Description: In this highly informative and emotionally-charged media-enriched presentation, Dr. Beane discusses the rationale for preventing and stopping bullying. Dr. Beane discusses how bullying is robbing children of their childhood, causing fear, overwhelming anxiety, anger, hate, rage, depression, and Post Traumatic Stress. He shows how it is connected to discipline problems, gangs, cults, hate groups, use of drugs, alcohol, teen pregnancies, suicides, self-harm (cutting), school and bus shootings, poor academic performance, school phobia, poor school attendance, and much more.
Training Goals:
Presentation: Sampling of Bullying Prevention Strategies
Length: 2 hours
Description: Dr. Beane discusses practical, effective, and research-based strategies for bus drivers to use to prevent and stop bullying. He discusses how to create a bus climate that promotes peace, safety, the Golden Rule, and a sense of belonging and acceptance in all students. He also discusses the importance of establishing positive relationships, empowering students to prevent and stop bullying, connecting with school personnel, responding to bullying when it is seen and heard, helping bullied students respond to bullying, and helping the bully change his/her behavior. He also reviews the different types of bullies, victims, and bystanders.
Session 1 Training Goals: Importance of Relationships, Expectations and Bus Climate
Session 2 Training Goals: Working with the Director of Transportation and Providing Quality Bus Supervision
Session 3 Training Goals: Empowering Bystanders and Responding to Bullying
Presentation: How to Respond to Bullying Seen and Heard (On-the-Spot Responding)
Length: 2 hours
Description: To set the stage for this seminar, attendees will watch a video of a staged hostage situation that could have been prevented if the adults had promptly responded to the bullying. Then, Dr. Beane will discuss an eight step process for immediately responding to bullying seen and heard. As the process is described, attendees will observe video clips of an adult applying each step. Dr. Beane will also discuss how to immediately develop an effective safety plan for bullied children and how bullied students can help themselves when adults are not around.